Cailleach’s Rose

Welcome to a journey of the ancients, looking into the rose of life, death, new life.

Why should I look into Cailleach’s Rose and what will I find there?

Look into the rose to embrace life in death and death in life.

Fears of death can hinder us from truly living. Avoiding deaths in life, big endings and truly grieving those endings, keeps our life force small and constricted. Cailleach wants you to see yourself more fully through her mystical rose.

Death doula work is for those who want to live sweetly before they die physically, no matter what physical state they are facing.

Even if you are at the height of wellness, you don’t know what the future holds. This work re-establishes your sovereignty in that un-knowing. And if you know you are in an active death process, the work of Cailleach rose brings you into an active role in the dance.

What will the work look like?

Our work together can just be gentle yoga release, expressive arts, and mindfulness. When you are ready, we can integrate work with my oracle deck that provides a creative way to talk about death and dying. The work can also simply be talking about your own death and dying or processing grief around the death and dying process of a loved one.

Releasing trauma and fear from the body through gentle yoga poses and evidence based release work. No yoga experience is necessary and every body is welcome. The work allows you to go at your own pace.


Expressive arts helps us to process feelings that words cannot express.

About Stonesinger


Licensed Therapist

I’ve been a licensed Marriage and Family therapist since 1997. I bring my counseling skills as a holistic therapist to our work even though death doula work is not therapy.

Certified Shamanic Practitioner

I don’t call myself a shaman. That’s for you to decide. I have been trained in the techniques in core shamanism so we can integrate those if you wish. I also practice many techniques from ancient wisdom and new thought. As a death doula in training, this can include working with your energy centers, practicing guided meditations, and also working with you to prepare for your death process shamanically. I also can help those you love who have died to help them fully transition. I am happy to leave these aspects of the work at the door if they don’t suit you.

Death Doula in Training

I have completed my coursework and am now in my practicum phase, doing a variety of death doula work with those who’d like to look into Cailleach’s Rose. So for now, the work is free! Thank you for helping me on this path towards becoming a certified death doula.

Are you ready to say yes?

Embrace this opportunity to explore death and dying in all its forms so that you may live a sweeter life. Cailleach’s rose is one of mysticism, love, and adventure.

I look forward to the journey with you. There’s courage in even considering a yes. Let me know how I can support you. Warmly, Stonesinger Kathryn Buys (925) 335-6844